Four ways to keep what you study in your head

EDUCATION : STUDYING TIPS; Ever worry about those tests that require so much space in your memory? Do you worry about those subjects that have teachers who give the objective type of tests? Well, we cannot have ways to change these kinds of tests. But one could devise ways to ace these kinds of exams. You might envy people who remember lots of things. You can have two persons who study the same subject, same number of pages, same number of hours, but when the results of the test comes, one gets a way higher grade than the other. Here are ways to improve your memory. These are sure to be of use to you and to others. a) This may be tiring, but give more time to your reading rather than plain cramming. If you give more time to reading the subject matter of the upcoming examination, you are sure to store more knowledge into your brain compared to just studying a night before or an hour before an exam. If you are not the type of person who easily uncovers the stored memory from the tea...