Lessons from “Langama”: Littering in Public, for kids!

A ride in a “Langama” bus is always a thrilling, unmatched fun. I have reasons to count on the above statement as the 55 year old uncle who is living by my house recalls his memories as a school boy where they were given an old, red TATA bus as their school bus. However, a problem arises as to what extent this elated moments are being experienced by the present generations. We need to understand the broader perspective of the word ‘fun’ & badly need to appreciate the fact that the higher majority in our similar age groups fail to enjoy in public transportation. Enough preaching: Needed to tell what I felt over the parental population in this country. Especially who are travelling with their kids in public carriages! The mother was in her 30s. Her small boy was around seven/eight years old. These judgements were made by looking at the way they behaved, their appearances, etc. Both were dark. The mother’s hair implied of a low income family. The brownish, damaged hair with some grey ...