When 'soorya' moved from 'Meena to Mesha'...

We Sri Lankans celebrated yet another New Year! For Sri Lankans, the traditional new year dawns, as 'the sun' makes the move from Meena rasi to mesha rasi, giving fresh thoughts, ideas full of prosperity, to the well being of the society.
This year too, having the above ‘prosperity’ part in the back of our minds, we Sri Lankans, all the Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Burghers and other national and religious communities were preparing themselves to celebrate ‘the new era’.
The week before the ‘avurudhu’ week, I myself visited several fashion chains to get myself equipped with 'new clothes'. There were thousands of people, who were seeking new clothes, and I found it difficult to pick the designs and colors which I was expecting to own. I didn't go much far from where I stay, instead with the greatest difficulty satisfied myself with several outfits. One of my family members, who had visited Pelawatte area in the same week, was amazed by the way people had turned out to 'shop' at a fashion outlet in the area. The outlet situated in the heart of the Pelawatta junction had already attracted thousands and thousands, where the customers were seen seeking parking facilities in the neighboring by-roads. "People were selecting stuff as they had been totally naked throughout the year!", one wise guy had said after seeing this.
On the other hand, there are thousands and thousands of other people who satisfy themselves with a single 'cheeththa redda' or a 'baniyama'. They satisfy themselves, as that's what they could offer to acquire those. After all, they can't eat the cheeththas and baniyamas when they run out of their dry rations!
Also, I’m one of the thousand people who were curious to know, how the war hero (oops my bad, now he is a traitor, the biggest inhuman TRAITOR!) celebrated his avurudhu. I came across this blog post which one of my friends had shared on his Facebook wall.
Poor one, he could have also had a piece of Kiribath if he hadn’t led the troops towards the victory…
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