The insane 'senior citizens' and social discipline

The Common room, or "Students' area" in my uni (as branded by the students themselves, lecturers and even the minor staff), accommodates all the half-broken computer chairs, tables, the legendary Table Tennis gear and some tennis balls with bats. 

Also, this got a wooden floor for those dance geeks who are willing to move themselves into the tunes of Salsa, Jive, ChaCha or whatever they call it. The maroon colour sofa which lies on a corner of this wooden floor, does add some colour to the whole brown spread and most probably gathers guys and girls in numbers. Then, the gossiping, stories, conspiracies and what not are slowly shot at each other :) 

At one such instance, our former Students' Union President came up with a staggering experience he underwent inside a bus. It was stamped in my mind for some time and was infact thinking of blogging about this sooner i made it to my laptop, but for some reason I had forgotten it. (see I just now remembered that two people are expecting some emails from me since this morning)

So, the former President sat among us and started telling what he came across, on his way home, the previous day. 

The guy who had got into a 163 bus (heading towards Battaramulla) had been standing for sometime, just around the middle of the bus. 163 / 183 buses gallingly  keep on waiting in that bus halt, just beside William's Grinding Mills, until the next bus comes and hoots at the back of it. A school girl, of age 12-14 has been standing next to him. Suddenly he feels that this particular school girl, trying to get closer to him. Twice and thrice she has been moving her shoulder part on the guy's abs and that's where he had stepped back to see what the eff was wrong with her. 

He was amazed to see what exactly had been going on with the girl. When he took a step back, he saw an old guy, (he assumes he's over his 60's), who has been standing on the other side of the girl, rubbing her breast and tummy area. At that point only he had realized, all her shoulder moments were some sorta 'signaling' with a plea "please save me". 

The next 30 seconds saw some dashing punches going across the face of that old 'sex maniac'. "Two punches to his eyes, he went down, I just stopped there, there onwards the others who were in the bus took a good care of him. Just can't imagine what kinda feeling he had had for getting kicked by mature women, in his face" the guy tells with an angry face. 

Job well done for saving that child, but the hook is not hammering that old 'mofo' or otherwise. 

Take this scenario: it was inside a bus, the time was some minutes passed 2 pm, in BROAD DAYLIGHT, a somewhat busy environment, STILL an under-aged female citizen, of Sri Lanka, who's in her school uniform, is abused (Sexually?). 

Yet, she was not in a position to defend her self and sadly that old 'mofo' was able to touch her. What might have been the situation if she had to undergo the same in a lonely place? 

Her reaction to such type of situations may have affected by certain happenings at her home, previous experiences she had underwent, etc. She may have held up in a shock over this unpleasant experience. She might have felt "a man who's around my grandfather's age, is touching me in an awkward way".

Though we cannot ascertain the real reason for such things to happen in particular, one thing is crystal clear. That is, some people, who are tagged as 'mature', 'well respected', 'elderly', 'senior citizens' are acting insanely. 

What they got to understand is they cannot preach the youngsters to 'maintain discipline and act accordingly', while they themselves acting against these social disciplines. 

At a time where social discipline is deteriorating at every millisecond, this could be food for thought. 


  1. This is a very common experience in SL, glad the guy was able to do something about it.

  2. Hey Jack Point,

    yeah, good that he stood up and did something at a time where some, just ignore such incidents. But will that girl ever learn to defend such situations, all by herself? :/

  3. I'm glad your friend stopped this abuse. As someone who has experienced such abuse in public transport (and I am sure there are many many more ladies who would testify to the same)the feeling is of intense shock and discust and frozen over. I was an adult, have usually no problems in stating my views and opinions... yet I did nothing.

    I pity the little ones who go through these, and are probably scarred for a long time.

  4. Hi Angel,

    It's nice to hear your honest views about this.
    Yes, I mean, that particular mental stress, or whatever the consequences of such incidents could turn up in really bad ways.. those kids may go to the extent of even to suicide themselves.


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