A master-mind behind the PM Modi's Election machinery to steer Pres Rajapakse's SM strategy

Arvind Gupta, head of the Bharatiya Janata Party’s IT division / IT Cell, a key figure in installing the former Gujarat Chief Minister Narenda Modi as India's 15th (Current) Prime Minister, has been hired by the Sri Lankan Government, in steering & strengthening President Mahinda Rajapakse's social media strategy. 

The nerve centre: Arvind Gupta inspecting his team in BJP's digital war room, located within the party's headquarters at Ashoka Road in Delhi. A team of 40 people, mostly professionals from IITs and IIMs, keeps a vigil on the latest voting trends and the mood of voters

Arvind Gupta was a master-mind behind the PM Modi's Election machinery, especially its Social Media strategy and campaign execution. According to Indian media "If you see a shot of a pensive Modi in Varanasi — with a maze of buildings behind him — or looking natty in a blue linen kurta while leading foreign dignitaries, you probably have to thank Gupta for it."

He started working for BJP after selling his software firm back in 2009 and was in charge of websites, uploading videos of rallies and meetings, sending them to media houses, posting comments and releases — and rebutting opponents on the Net. 

Reports say, Arvind Gupta and his four-member team have been active since the third week of November and operating from the temple trees. Gupta is known, especially for his skills and strategies in "rebutting opponents on the net" across multiple social media channels. Web media has reported that Arvind Gupta and his team have been hired for INR 100 Million, which is an amount close to SLR 211,861,742.00. 

He's a product of IIT-Banaras Hindu University and the University of Illinois. 

Image Courtesy - Parveen Negi


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