The Colombo barriers

The Sri Lanka Army celebrated its 60th anniversary on the 2nd of October. The victory of defeating the world's deadliest terrorist organisation was then being celebrated on par with an exhibition and a display of armory at the BMICH.
I was driving down the Bauddaloka Mawatha to drop my little cousin brother to school. We were suddenly stopped by a posh policeman who was wearing shades at 7 a.m, facing the opposite direction where sun was shinning from. It was a temporary check point that had been set up by police to check the civilians who were to enter the vicinity of the BMICH. The exhibition had the fullest protection.
As I stopped the vehicle one policeman came infront of the car having his AK47 on his hands while one came to check my ID card. Two other policemen were on the otherside of the car and when i was about to hand over the ID to the above policeman, one of the two of the side where my bro was sitting told us to move on as there is a school child.
Out of four policemen, only one saw that there was a school child in the car! it is not that we are down as we were checked, but its the way it happened that matters. The police guy who was infront of the car was starring at us as we were caught in a terrorist activity.
One such incident was again experienced by couple of my friends in the Marine Drive last week. When they were stopped at the check point, a police guy had asked "ah nangila koheda yanne?" Hey girls, where are you going?. Shocked by this kind of underworld type question, the girls had answered as "we are going to our university". In fact the university is an affiliated center for a leading foreign University.
The wise police guy had then replied, "mehe ehema university ekak nehe". There's no such university around this area.
Astonished by the reply made by the "Kossa", the girls have said hard, "api hemadama yanne me pare, yanne ekama thanata, oya me paththe gena danne na kiyala apita karanna deyak ne. kohoma police karayek wunada danne na". We use this same route to travel our university everyday. Simply because you don't know about this place, we can't bother. Wonder how you became a Policeman.
The Wise police guy never had expected a bash like that. Though the LTTE is crushed, they keep on harassing the civilians in the country. Where will we be if this system continues?
Charit Tissera
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