Royal grabs Hayman's trophy!

SPORTS: Water Polo; Royal College Water polo

Royal College gave no chance to the Thomains for any fight back as the Royal team started Scoring from the very 2nd minute of the game. Royal Scoring in every opportunity they got Trashed the Thomains to win the 2nd leg 7-4 and 15-11 on Aggregate.

Royal Led by Yahan Samarajeewa kept their promice and now Royal has won 5 back to back hayman and making 10-0 in terms on wins in legs!

Royal's most powerful threat to the Thomains, Royal Vice Captain poorna Kankanige walked away with the 'MOST VALUABLE PLAYER' award.

Wishes to the Team Royal on behalf of every Royalist!


Well well well, have you ever heard of any "power play" in Water Polo? Ya I know what you're thinking, but its real! Introduced first at this year's Hayman's trophy and only being carried out by the two teams Royal and Thora.

Its not that the Royal team can change the field or vice versa, but its all about punching a buddy of the other team. Yes, after the referee blows the final whistle, one player is being attacked! I don't know what would the officials say over this. Will they stay idling until one guy gets a shot that would make him not to play again?


  1. Thora have just proved that they have gone to the stage of mentall illness...beat Royal or beat their players physically...e hv jst showed dr Mt' Lavinia fisherman colors.....nwayz Royal players behave like gentlemans...Royal will play the National Championship as defending champs and lets see what the refrees (more like puppets) can do!


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