Kissing in private and making it public

It has been tragic and even awful to hear these kind of stories. Besides anyone can question what is wrong with our people. Some weeks ago all the porn sites that could be viewed by the Sri Lankan internet users were banned or blocked in simple terms. To gain any political advantage or not, it happened in that way.
The worry was uploading and sharing pictures and videos of Sri Lankan girls, with or without their consent.

A newspaper journalist attached to a weekend Sinhala newspaper came up with this issue first! Why?, Why? & Why? someone would do something "kunu" in this manner? That's what came into my mind at a glance. It is a proven fact that "porn" is a money making industry in the US and some other Asian countries such as China and Japan. Knowing these, were our people trying to mark up to the level of the world's largest debtor's status?

The problem in Sri Lankans as I see when it comes to nudity and pornography. They were and are not given proper education on "what people began to cover as they got mature". Instead, School children, teachers and parents all try to hide stuff like "what happens when a man and a woman gets together", "how does it happens" and all that jazz.

I can still remember, one of my buddies at school inviting me for a bet at thousand bucks in SLR. This was when I was in the third year (eight years old) and the bet was, him telling me a baby is born as a father and a mother getting together and me telling him "I don't believe in you".

When we grew up we got to know what's behind this "so called and protected secret in our society" and I still owes my friend the 1000 bucks. The point in the making is not that we should act as Westerners, but to fix our system.

Someone could blame J.R for introducing a bloody "open economy" and dieing off without suffering from it, instead us being suffered. If J.R was the only guy to do this he is such an asshole. But its not that. Coz people in Sri Lanka acts as "apita hariyanawanan echcharai".

Ms. Christina Caldera, appearing on Playboy, roaring as the first Sri Lankan to appear on that did make the Sri Lankan web media a hot news. Such mentality is now being grown and its being watered. Could the drastic impacts of these acts will end up one guy or girl's shooting incident in a university or a school?


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