'Kalaguna Selakeema'

The posters do spread a message! Well, that's the whole idea behind pasting those papers and covering every possible inch of others' walls. Before the 26th of last month, the goats, the cows and others who loved to taste the ink of the print were having a great time. They were not worried of 'eating a candidate' appearing on any wall. No police guy was interested in removing the animal from doing that 'deshadrohi' activity. Now that the things have come to light. In fact, the things are getting darker and darker. Not only because of today's attack that took place in front of the Aluthkade Magistrate court, injuring around six people. Following are three major incidents that took place since 26th of January 2010 up to date.

HE the president left to Russia soon after attending the opening ceremony of the 'Deyata Kirula' exhibition in Pallekale, Kandy. He was awarded by a Honoris Causa Doctorate by the Peoples’ Friendship University (PFU), formally known as Patricia Lumumba University of Moscow in Russia on Saturday 6th February.
(The People’s Friendship University (PFU) was established by the former USSR government on 5th February 1960.)

1) It was back in 2003 that "Venerable Gangodawila Soma Thera of the Vajiraramaya Temple, Maharagama passed away in St. Petersburg, Russia on 12 December 2003 in his 56th year. He was in Russia to accept an honorary doctorate conferred by the Russian Government." The Jathika Hela Urumaya entered the parliament, using this incident as a shield of effect, which was followed by a presidential committee appointed by the current president in 2007, with 'no proper conclusion'. People, especially the Buddhist had the feeling that Russian government had something to do with this issue. This is what the Jathika Hela Urumaya said too. Wimal Weerawansa joined the clan by making the same allegations which captured the hearts of the Sinhala Buddhists at that time where JHU entered the General elections and subsequently supported the president. So, as a person who asked the people to pay gratitude (for the second term), who appears to be a hardcore Sinhala Buddhist, it is not ethical for 'him' to accept anything from a government institution that had killed Soma Thero, isn't it?

2) People did vote for Sarath Fonseka and they did to Mahinda Rajapakse too. (No comments on the final result as it will detour the reader). 'According to the issued results', the majority of the people had voted for Mahinda Rajapakse. But they hadn't expected him to treat Fonseka as he had already done.
Below appears an extract of Mrs. Anoma Fonseka's media briefing:

"As my husband has retired from the Army, he cannot be arrested by the military. Even if they are to make an arrest, an officer of a higher rank than he should have done the arrest and in a more decent manner. He was caught by his hands and legs carried, dragged and bundled into the vehicle. This is the way Manawadu (Major General Sumith Manawadu, was seen in action at General's office complex according to the eyewitnesses) treated my husband. When the officers were reluctant to take him this way, Manawadu has shouted at the other officers ‘moova aragena palayan’ (take this fellow away).

‘Is this the gift you are giving to my husband who destroyed the worst terrorist outfit in the world and saved the country for the good of all including you all and the future generation ?’, I wish to ask from the rulers. As long as he wore the uniform he never talked about politics. He respected the Army discipline to the utmost. This Manawadu, the officer also of the Army treated my husband more disdainfully than how he would treat an animal. Though he is of the Army he had not learnt discipline from my husband – he did not know how a senior officer should be treated. All these years I thought our Army was a disciplined lot."

(Now there is a back story as to why the person named Manawadu had played a major role in 'dragging Fonseka like an animal'. Mrs. Fonseka had stated the reason in a recent media briefing which i won't be posting here.)

At the aftermath of this 'military display', the joint opposition held a media briefing. According to Mano Ganeshan,

"This was not an arrest, but an abduction. I know about abductions more than anybody else. In Colombo so many Tamils were abducted. Our Presidential candidate who polled 42 lakhs votes at the Presidential elections,and whose victory was plundered by rigging was now abducted before our own eyes."

"I am an eye witness to this abduction. I even saw one officer assaulting the General; he hit him on the neck. He was dragged and taken like an animal . This is how the war hero whom the South population extolled was treated. The South population ate kiri bath with him a few months ago and celebrated his victory. But now, we can see how he is being degraded and insulted. This is the innate trait of these men."

Speaking at the same media briefing UNP deputy leader Karu Jayasuriya stated:
"General Fonseka was acclaimed and applauded as the greatest war Hero locally by the President , his Govt. and even internationally . The Govt. called him the greatest patriot . But, now, how did he become a traitor? All because he chose to contest against the President against his wish at the last Presidential election. It is the consensus of all going by the atrocious actions of this Govt. that any person who opposes the Govt.'s despotism and misdeeds is a traitor . Hence, this great patriot and true National Hero has been reduced to the level of a traitor by Govt. machinations".

Well, sad to say, but he had failed to pay his gratitude for the second time. This time not a monk, but to the peoples' war hero.

3) As I mentioned earlier, it was not only the people who voted Sarath Fonseka who joined the Sathyagraha organized by the joint opposition which was staged today. There were a satisfactory number of unarmed MR supporters who were jointly protesting against the 'military arrest' of the former Army Commander and Chief of Defence Staff.
As they were attacked by the Police, there were another group of personnel who were throwing stones 'on behalf of the police'. Actually, the police were hiding behind them, when those set of thugs, armed with iron rods started attacking, both the MR supporters and SF supporters! The police were deployed to control the riots. The pictures clearly depict as to how they were doing their job!

So Mister, he requested the public to pay their gratitude towards him.

Well this is how, I think his way of paying gratitude to both the voters and non-voters of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.


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