'The Original Chinese?' or 'The Chinese Originals?'

Developing a sensitive analysis for multiple production companies is initially difficult. But, if the person involved in the development process is concious and carries certain concentrative qualities, the process would be less burden. Still, its hard. (After all there is nothing we could get without tiring our asses and butts).

There were eight of us, inside the lab (as usual), concentrating on their individual parts with their left hands or right hands stuck on to their heads and thinking, just thinking. Our objective was to finish his off and get home asap.

Then entered the most wanted 'Che Boy', with his latest Nokia 5800 Music Express phone on his hand. The bugger is one real lucky fellow as he jumped off to this after using a BlackBerry!

Mind you, the Nokia 5800 Music Express is Nokia’s first touch screen phone and its just awesome with its glazing outfit.

A few seconds later entered 'Lahiru', one of the office boys, to check his FaceBook. As he sat down, he kept his phone in front of him. That was the first time I saw his phone. I immediately asked him, what was that phone. He responded, "Nokia 5800, express". It was not as glazing as the one Che boy owns. It has a dull black cover, with less quality on the screen and the resolution in camera at a satisfactory level. The importance is, IT GOT MASSIVE SPEAKERS!
He introduced it as the Chinese edition of the 5800 Music express.

I went to Che boy, who was sitting some chairs away and grabbed his phone, which appeared and of course the original 5800. Lahiru too gave his phone to me where I took these two pictures from a Samsung phone (Well the Samsung does not belong to me either!).

So folks, the above two pictures carry the Chinese version and the original version of Nokia 5800 Music Express, Nokia's first ever touch screen phone, from right to left, respectively.

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